Hawai‘i 5210 Let's Go!


Cooking Up a Rainbow The Hawaii 5210 Edition 1.0

Click here to access this edition. The publication of the E-book is funded by the Team Nutrition Grant from the Office of Hawaii Child Nutrition Programs, DOE.

Cooking Up a Rainbow

Hawaii 5210 Let's Go! and Kapiolani Community College (KCC) Culinary Institute of the Pacific partnered to feature delicious recipes that you and your keiki can prepare and enjoy together. 

These recipes and ideas are part of the "Cooking Up a Rainbow" program that uses the colors of the rainbow to introduce the great variety of vibrant and tasty fruits and vegetables grown in Hawaii to children and teens. Through the exploration of sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound, we want to create a sense of adventure and empowerment for children to exercise their healthy choices in selecting and preparing the foods they like to eat. The best sources of flavor and sweetness come from fresh, local grown products.

Under the guidance of professional chefs and dieticians, and with assistance from a parent or an adult mentor, children learn to make great tasting snacks, salad, and "mini-meals" using readily available and affordable ingredients. The program is offered through community partners such as the YMCA and the Department of Education. Parent-child cooking classes are also offered through KCC's Continuing Education week-end programs for the public.

Link of the Month: Healthy Pompom Flower Cupcakes

Links to healthy recipes and cooking tips for families

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